

We aim to make CrowdSender the number one #1 crowd delivery service in Europe. Become part of this exciting journey and join us on the way to sustainable or “green” shipping. 

We are still at the beginning of our journey, but we have a big dream!

Our goal is to build a worldwide, loyal and reliable sharing community so that you can send and receive products throughout Europe, cheap, fast and flexible. For this, of course, you are asked to become a part of this great plan. Join our group and design the service together with us! Become the courier of products for your neighbour(s) or be the sender of your own products cheap, quick and flexible. 

Use the following hashtags to connect and become part of our community: 







We aim to make CrowdSender the number one #1 crowd delivery service in Europe. Become part of this exciting journey and join us on the way to sustainable or “green” shipping. 

We are still at the beginning of our journey, but we have a big dream!

Our goal is to build a worldwide, loyal and reliable sharing community so that you can send and receive products throughout Europe, cheap, fast and flexible. For this, of course, you are asked to become a part of this great plan. Join our group and design the service together with us! Become the courier of products for your neighbour(s) or be the sender of your own products cheap, quick and flexible. 

Use the following hashtags to connect and become part of our community: 







You have more questions?

You have more questions?